Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve!

Joe, Olivia and I made the long ride down to Bridgeport Connecticut on Saturday when he got out of work. It took a tad over three hours to get here. Thankfully, I had a few drinks at the restaurant before we left which made the trip long haul a bit more tolerable.

Since we have been down here we have been relaxing and Joe has been doing some last minute shopping. We (  the three of us, Joe's parents who flew up from Florida, and his grandparents) decided to go out to dinner last night.

I searched Google and discovered Bin 100 in Milford, CT. They had a great pre-fixed menu-- which four of us order from. Four courses for $32-- you cant beat that!  And to top it all off they have everyone a complimentary after dinner drink when they dropped the check off. Lucky for me Joe and his mom don't drink so I had THREE  :-) If you ever check out the restaurant ask for Paulo, he was great!

  Alcohol always makes the holidays better... especially when you are with inlaws family... .  Agreed?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Sweet Sound of Nothing

This is perfect... the Christmas lights are on. THATS IT! It is so relaxing sitting here with the candles in the windows and the twinkle lights on the tree reflecting on the gifts. No noise!!!!! Olivia is sucking on her thumb fast asleep in her room and Joe is out Christmas shopping. I could be starting dinner right now but, why interupt the peace?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Back From R.I.

After a relaxing weekend in Rhode Island we are back at home.

Sunday, the three of us went for a walk through my dad's neighborhood . Then later in the afternoon my stepbrother and his family came over. We celebrated Christmas early with a nice lunch, Christmas music and some gift opening. Olivia had a great time hanging out with her cousins and the dog Patience.  

Olivia, Jordan, Duncan,Devin, and Liam

Olivia as a Reindeer

My cheesecake that I made must have been good wonderful because there was only one piece left this morning.

Yesterday, we did some shopping  and grabbed some lunch at  the Cuban Revolution. It was so nice to have lunch at a restaurant that has both character and good food.  Places like that are hard very hard to find up here in N.H. I really miss the restaurants in Rhode Island  so Joe and I try to make an effort to go out to eat every time we are down visiting.

Hopefully we can make a trip down to use another dining card that was given to us from The Tiny Hummingbird. Thanks Tara!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Chocolate Is Always a Good Thing

After Joe gets out of work tomorrow we are loading up the Subaru and taking the two hour drive down to my Dad's house in R.I. We are going to be having an early x-mas because the three of us will be in C.T. for Christmas.

We are going to be having a Feast of 7 Fish or something like that on Sunday. My stepmom is Italian and I guess they do fish for Christmas. Since my cooking is sub-par I decided to contribute by making dessert. I can't ruin that mess that up too bad.... Right? So I set out to find a chessecake that doesnt have a typical crust. Joe can't stand crust on any dessert so thankfully I found a recipe that uses Oreos as a crust :-) 

I used Oreos, Bakers Chocolate and three boxes of  Philidelphia Cream Cheese.  I took pictures to prove that I did it but, for some odd reason my pictures won't upload. 

So here is a picture of Olivia while I was baking. She is such a great helper!

Hopefully, this dessert is edible on Sunday... or my family is nice enough to nibble on it if it's terrible. I guess I won't know until Sunday.
I guess I should go vacuum up the glitter from the carpet so it looks like I was  productive somewhat productive while he has been working a double today.
Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Smell of Bananas

Today, Joe stumbled upon an interesting smell in our kitchen basket. This basket I speak of keeps our bread and fruit organized on our counter. He found a bunch of spoiled spotted bananas and claimed they were stinky. I didn't believe him. I personally feel that they are ONLY spotted . He must have been sneakily trying to get me to make Banana Bread which is his favorite.

So the nice lady I am decided to pick up on the hint and make homemade Banana Bread. This was the first time I have attempted to make any sort of bread that DIDN'T come from a box. I always figured that bread making was a complicated processes since they sell so many easy options to grab at the grocery store. To my surprise it is extremly  miraculously simple! I used the recipe I found from the foodnetwork online 

 MUCH, MUCH, MUCH cheaper than purchasing the boxed make it your self version. And I must say... my condo smells FAB!

I feel super productive today. Made banana bread, addressed Christmas cards and dropped them in the mail box and cleaned up the kitchen. Now I am watching Eloise at Christmas while Olivia kicks around on her .playmat.

I'm thinking of going above and beyond by making porkchops in the oven for when he gets in from work.... Any good recipes besides shake and bake?

Friday, November 30, 2012

Feeling Better

I woke up today feeling much better. I still look like the famous reindeer but I can BREATHE! Joe has been fantastic dealing with my sick and lazy self these past few days. Unfortunatly, Miss. Olivia woke up all stuffy this morning ... Oddly enough I found it fun using the "thing" to suck all of the gross stuff out of her nose. She was full of smiles the whole time too!

I was productive today somewhat productive today.  I wrapped Christmas gifts. Added pretty ribbons and embellishments. Olivia stood sat guard in her wonderful Bumbo seat...

 She was making sure her Daddy couldnt get a sneak peak at his gifts.

I even got around to dusting the tables in the livingroom. Joe will be so proud when I tell him when he gets home from work. He finds it amusing when I gloat about the small housework I had done during the day. Speaking of which... Since I'm not working I'm trying to find ways to save money. I stumbled upon  DIY Homemade Febreeze . Super easy! I can't wait to try it out !!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sniff Sniff... Cough... Sneeze

Welcome to the tropics  walk in freezer!

Last night I decided to go to bed before Sons of Anarchy which hasnt happened in a while. My head was killing me. I guess it was my body's way to telling me that I was sick. I woke up this morning with a splitting headache, the chills and such a stuffy nose. My daughter is only three months but I'm sure she things I'm Rudolph.
Thankfully, my love came to my aid this morning. He took care of the baby and let me sleep on the couch undisturbed. He was trying to be quiet in the kitchen but ended up creating a DISASTER. The kitchen drawer fell out and made a mess everywhere. Atleast he is learning to be handy and fixed that rather quickly. He made me some broth with orzo because he knew I wasn't even going to attempt to leave my island of blankets, vicks vapor rub filled tissue box , and a sea of used tissues on the floor and coffee table.
I feel like I won the Mom of the Year Award because somehow I managed to drag myself off of the couch and took a shower. I actually figured shaving my legs would make me feel better... Oh how I was wrong.  Right now I feel like I have a hangover on a tropical island in a walk in freezer. Just give me five minutes and I'm sure I'll be in the tropics again. I would do anything for my daughter's bouncy seat that vibrates and plays soft relaxing music but,  that won't happen because I refuse to get off the couch and my darling Joe isn't a magician.

So three more hours of holding down the tropical island in my livingroom untill Joe gets home from work.
How do you moms do this with more than one child... or even a toddler???

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Welcome to my blog!

My name is Amanda and I live in cold New Hampshire with my fiance Joe and our beautiful daughter Olivia. I never thought that I would end up being a stay at home mom so join me as I learn to be a domesticated mom... Hopefully I can learn to cook well enough so my daughter doesnt grow up thinking chicken nuggets  ( which are in the oven as we speak) are a food group.

I never thought that I would be a stay at home mom. With a college degree and my workaholic mindset I always said as soon as I became a mom I would head right back to work." Daycare....Yes, Please! Sign the baby up!" I had a job lined up and it fell through at the last minute so I was bummed that I had to end up staying home. Don't get me wrong... I love kids.. My degree is in Education but, I'm just not the domesticated type. The cooking, cleaning  and homemaking that comes along with being a SAHM just isnt me. Here I am three months later doing the mom thing while my finance heads to work every night. I am honestly trying to adapt to the cooking and cleaning thing but it is TOUGH!

Thankfully we have worked out a plan. Phew! He takes care of cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom and I do laundry, dusting, vaccuming and the cooking.  And we split baby things really well. I am so lucky blessed to have a man who is willing and LOVES to do the baby thing... feeding, diapers, reading to her.. I dont even have to ask..he is all over it. It is  truely amazing watching the bond between Daddy and Daughter grow.

My beautiful daughter Olivia is three months old now and this SAHM thing is slowly starting to grow on me. So join me on this wonderful journey... I would love to hear  feedback and advice from other SAHM's.